August 2021
When you need to purchase an MTPL insurance policy every year, you will definitely have heard of such a designation BM class, or Bonus Malus class. Do you know what it is? How is it directly affected by your driving history, more precisely the number of accidents?
Bonus Malus is a tool designed by insurers to more accurately calculate the risk class and insurance costs of vehicle users. This calculation takes into account for how long you have been insuring your car and whether there have been (and how many) road rraffic accidents for which the insurer has paid indemnity in your driving history.
If during the insurance period (mentioned in your MTPL policy) you have not caused any road traffic accidents, then at the next Bonus Malus recalculation (September 15 each year) Your BM class will grow, which is good. However, if there has been a car accident that you are to blame for, your BM class will drop, which is bad. The higher the BM class, the cheaper the insurance.
Perceive the BM class as your road user rating, which is given to you at the very beginning - 6. Your rating will increase, decrease or remain the same every year. It will be the same in cases if you have not had MTPL for at least 275 days in the previous reporting period (September 15 to September 15). Every year on September 15, the Latvian Motor Insurance Bureau (LTAB) performs Bonus Malus class recalculations.
In all cases, the Bonus Malus class will be calculated for the rightful holder of the vehicle (indicated on the registration certificate). The only exception will be if the owner of the vehicle is a natural person and the holder is another natural person, then the Bonus Malus will be calculated for the car owner.
Insuring for the first time the civil liability of the owner of the vehicle, is awarded the 6th Bonus Malus class. This is a BM class, which remains for the BM subject until the next calculation of BM classes on September 15.
REMEMBER: The Bonus Malus class will only grow if there has been no road traffic accidents and you have insured your compulsory civil liability for at least 275 days a year.
Iztēlojamies situāciju: The bank is the owner of the vehicle, but you are the authorized user of the vehicle. When you buy a car, you know that you need compulsory insurance to travel on the road. You open MTPL calculator and buy the cheapest MTPL policy. When you buy it for the first time, your Bonus Malus class is 6. You have been driving diligently all year round, you have not caused any insured event and on September 15, when there is a recalculation of BM class, your BM class already rises to 7. If you had caused RTA, then Your Bonus Malus class would be reduced by 30%. If when buying your new car you use it only for 6 months and you have also bought an MTPL policy for 6 months and you have not caused any traffic accident, then your BM class will remain the same, or 6.
If you own multiple vehicles, such as a motorcycle, car, and truck, then you know, each of these units in the Bonus Malus class will count separately because of that vehicle class.
The breakdown by vehicle class is shown below:
If you have several cars, then the Bonus Malus class will count exactly as if you had 1 car. You will not receive additional points for the BM class conversion for good driving. On the other hand, if you cause a traffic accident with one car, then it affects the Bonus Malus rating for your other cars as well.
It is taken into account every year when calculating the price of the MTPL insurance policy and, the higher the Bonus Malus class, the lower the price of the policy. (If BM class is from 7-17, then the insurer applies a discount (Bonus), if it's 1-5, then the insurer grants a premium to the policy (Malus).
When you start insuring your own vehicle, Bonus Malus will be 6. During the insurance of all vehicles owned by you, it is possible to increase the BM class from 6th to 17th class. In addition, if you cause traffic accidents, the BM class can fall to the 1st class.
Your Bonus malus class, at the next recalculation, will drop by:
Go to the home page of the Latvian Motor Insurance Bureau and search for the section Bonus Malus data.
Log in to the LTAB system with a single login or any of the other offered options. After a successful connection, your Bonus Malus data will appear on the screen.
As shown in this example, the vehicle owner has a class 9 Bonus Malus and all others a class 6. This does not mean that the vehicle owner has a car of all groups, but that the savings are made in the class of cars (not trucks or any other), because an insurance policy is purchased there and at least 1 vehicle is owned there.
Some interesting facts: