January 2022
Remember the day you bought your home? Maybe a trip to the building materials store and full shopping carts for home improvements? Your financial contribution and commitment are certainly significant, not to mention the time and work invested in getting to your long-awaited home. Today we spend more and more time at home, now your workplace has moved to the living room or kitchen. The environment is such an important part of everyday life, so it's worth to accordingly take care of it.
Did you know that an annual home insurance policy would cost an average of two people dinner at a restaurant? Yes, on average 60 EUR, just as modest investment for your place and security of property for one year. Let's take a look at the 10 most popular risks covered by home insurance.
TV shows are full of horror stories about burned down homes and apartments, this is the basic risk that will be encountered in each of the offers of insurers. In case of fire misfortune in your home the insurance policy will reimburse the repair costs, or if repair is not possible, you will be reimbursed the value of the renovation of the apartment or house to restore the property to be exactly the same as before the accident. Sum insured will be indicated on the printout of your policy. To valuate the sum that's needed to restore your home take this example - at least EUR 1 000 per 1m2 should be expected. If your apartment has 45m2 then it would be necessary to insure it for a minimum of 45 000 EUR.
This risk insures against damage caused by lightning, storms, hail and rain. Torn roof as a result of a storm or perhaps a tree broken by a storm that damaged an apartments window? Yes, the insurance policy will cover the costs of window replacement and roof repairs.
Šis ir pats populārākais no apdrošināšanas riskiem. Katram desmitajam dzīvoklim sprāgsts ūdens trubas nopludinot savu un kaimiņa dzīvokli. Kā pareizi rīkoties ja kas tāds notiek? Zvans apsaimniekotājam, pēc iespējas ātrāk jāaptur ūdens padeve dzīvoklī, lai bojājumi nav vēl lielāki. Tad jāveic zaudējuma novērtējums, speciālists sastāda zaudējuma tāmi, to sūtiet savam apdrošinātājam un eksperts izvērtēs visu pozīciju atbilstību. Ļoti bieži apdrošinātāju eksperti notikuma vietā nemaz neierodas un tāmi apstiprina. Tālāk jau veikala apmeklējums un zvans meistaram.
One of the most unpleasant insurance risks is theft, vandalism, robbery or illegal third party actions. If any of these events occur, a mandatory call is to call the police to officially record what has been stolen. Insurers will pay the amount of money the value of the stolen property as it existed before the event, or an alternative marketable asset will be purchased. If the property is damaged during the theft, the policy will most often also cover these damages.
For those who have leased their property, purchasing an insurance policy is in most cases criticly important. Often by transferring your property to someone else for use, the tenant is carelessly circumvented. In order for the insurer to be able to pay for damage caused by the lessee, there must be acceptance deed of transfer regarding the condition of the apartment before and after renting. Insurance policies do not cover losses due to wear and tear or small scratches.
If a neighbor is carrying out repairs behind a wall that has further damaged your apartment, for example suddenly drilled through your wall, the insurance policy will compensate repair costs that are necessary to repair the damage.
Often we damage our property ourselves. It has certainly not been a strange situation when for a moment turned away and the child made a picturesque masterpiece on the living room bright walls or curtains. Or you grabbed the phone and dumped your coffee on your laptop? Yes, these and other things are reimbursed (if such a risk is included in the policy).
If you are a homeowner and you also have a beautiful hedge, playground, gazebo, flagpole or beautiful built-in fountain i nyour yard, then damage to this property will be compensated by Your property insurance policy. A flagpole overturned by a storm, or a statue damaged by hail or vehicle-damaged hedge, your policy will cover the damage prevention costs.
There are some insurers that also offer pet insurance. In the event of a fire accident, a natural disaster, the third party illegal actionsor water supply accidents risk that your pet suffers or dies, the insurance policy will cover the medical expenses for your pet or the cost of a new of dog or cat.
One great service offered by all insurers is the 24/7 home help desk. This is an assistant if an accidents has happened, you will be advised how to proceed, will come to unlock the door, perform other minor repairs, as well as plumbing, security, locksmith and room installation services.
It is possible to add a list of belongings, furniture, household appliances, electronics, clothes and interior to the policy things, as well as your active recreation equipment (bicycle, roller skates, skis, skateboards) and other belongings. Please note that belongings that are not in the apartment, for example, in the basement, must be kept behind closed doors.
This could have a separate limit and also a premium when buying a policy, ask your insurance specialist about it. It is also possible to insure your portable computer equipment, which is always not at home. If you go on business or to a meeting and the computer is stolen or damaged while away from home, the equipment is insured. Not all insurers offer it, but it's definitely worth checking when buying a policy.